020 8575 0237

Upcoming Events

TAFWŶL - Lansiad yn Llundain

As part of London Welsh Week, there will be a Tafwŷl Launch gig with Al Lewis and the band Taran, London Welsh Centre, Friday February 28th, 8pm. London Welsh School will have a stall there. Details: here Tickets: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/whats-on/157-163-grays-inn-rd/london-welsh-centre- canolfan-cymry-llundain/gig-lansiad-tafwyl-2025/e- vklykk?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1oUi5NwG0911pnhx6EhC996U4aCrjS2T_MB6K- sVj1NzWg4XYEw3ExKu8_aem_9mS0ECfnpYptShlOsyntXw

Some Important Dates for 2025

Urdd Eisteddfod in London - March 22 Huw Chiswell Concert - April 26 Concert with Côr Llundain - July 12 Tree-planting Project (Tiny Forests) There is a workshop today to plan and prepare for planting trees with ‘Earthwatch’ - more information about this exciting project coming soon. Urdd - London Branch (Aelwyd Llundain) A new page is being created on this website for Aelwyd Llundain. A convenient place to promote the work of the Urdd in London.
Ysgol Gymraeg Llundain
London Welsh School ‘A fynn, a fedr’ Bilingual Welsh Primary Education in London

Ysgol Gymraeg Llundain © 2025 Website designed and maintained by H G Web Designs

Address London Welsh School Hanwell Community Centre Westcott Crescent Hanwell London W7 1PD
Contact Telephone Number: 020 8575 0237 E-mail: info@ysgolgymraegllundain.co.uk In an emergency, when the school is closed, please use: Email: info@ysgolgymraegllundain.co.uk
Information Lead Teacher: Miss Emilia Davies BA Hons, PGCE Part of the Welsh Schools Trust Limited Charity Number: 1167479
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Upcoming Events

TAFWŶL - Lansiad yn Llundain

As part of London Welsh Week, there will be a Tafwŷl Launch gig with Al Lewis and the band Taran, London Welsh Centre, Friday February 28th, 8pm. London Welsh School will have a stall there. Details: here Tickets: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/whats-on/157-163-grays-inn- rd/london-welsh-centre-canolfan-cymry-llundain/gig-lansiad-tafwyl- 2025/e- vklykk?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1oUi5NwG0911pnhx6EhC99 6U4aCrjS2T_MB6K- sVj1NzWg4XYEw3ExKu8_aem_9mS0ECfnpYptShlOsyntXw

Some Important Dates for 2025

Urdd Eisteddfod in London - March 22 Huw Chiswell Concert - April 26 Concert with Côr Llundain - July 12 Tree-planting Project (Tiny Forests) There is a workshop today to plan and prepare for planting trees with ‘Earthwatch’ - more information about this exciting project coming soon. Urdd - London Branch (Aelwyd Llundain) A new page is being created on this website for Aelwyd Llundain. A convenient place to promote the work of the Urdd in London.

020 8575 0237

Ysgol Gymraeg Llundain © 2025

Website designed and maintained by H G Web Designs

Address London Welsh School Hanwell Community Centre Westcott Crescent Hanwell London W7 1PD
Contact Telephone Number: 020 8575 0237 E-mail: info@ysgolgymraegllundain.co.uk In an emergency, when the school is closed, please use: Email: info@ysgolgymraegllundain.co.uk
Information Lead Teacher: Miss Emilia Davies BA Hons, PGCE Part of the Welsh Schools Trust Limited Charity Number: 1167479
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