020 8575 0237
General Information
The School Day
School Hours
Morning Session: 9.00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Progression Step 1) Nursery and Reception
9.00 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. (Progression Steps 2 and 3) Years 1-6
Afternoon Session: 1:10 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (Progression Step 1)
1:10 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (Progression Steps 2 and 3)
There is a soft start to the day from 8.40am.
School Clubs
We run a variety of interesting and enjoyable clubs and try our best to respond to our children’s interests.
Presently, we offer after school clubs on the following days:
Monday - Thursday until 5pm
Please contact the school office for further information about costs etc.
We also offer before school care from 8am. We do not provide breakfast but children are welcome to bring breakfast with them to eat in
Wraparound Care
We offer wraparound care provision before and after school.
Before school – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8.00am to 8.40am.
After school – Monday and Thursday from 3.30pm to 5.00pm
Tuesday – Urdd Club, 3.30pm to 5.00pm.
Please contact the school office for more information: info@ysgolgymraegllundain.co.uk
School Uniform
Uniform can be ordered on the Price and Buckland website: pbuniform-online.co.uk/londonwelshschool
Winter Uniform
Red polo shirt with the school logo
Green school jumper/cardigan with the school logo
Grey trousers
Black socks
Black shoes (no trainers)
Green skirt or pinafore
Green tights
Black shoes (no trainers)
Pupils can also wear a white shirt and school tie.
Summer Uniform
Red polo shirt with the school logo
Green school jumper
Grey trousers / shorts
Black socks
Black shoes (no trainers)
Green and white checked summer dress
Green cardigan with school logo
White socks
Black shoes (no trainers)
We kindly ask all Parents/Guardians to clearly label all items of clothing with your child’s name.
PE Kit
Shorts (summer only) / Tracksuit
Red/yellow/green T-shirt with school logo
For Health and Safety reasons and that it is inappropriate with the school uniform, we do not allow pupils to wear jewellery to school.
No nail varnish is to be worn to school either.
Hair should be kept away from the face and the eyes and, if it is long, it should be tied back.
If new school uniform is needed, it’s possible to order online on the Price and Buckland website: pbuniformonline.co.uk/londonwelshschool
Contact the school for ‘nearly new’ items.
Lunch is not provided at the school.
We encourage healthy eating and ask that children bring in healthy lunch boxes to school each day.
We recommend that children bring a drink of water with them to school every day and a healthy snack/fruit for their morning break. The
pupils in Class 1 have milk every day before morning break.
Information for Parents: Healthy Eating
Absence from School
If your child cannot attend school due to illness you must telephone or email the school office and let us know by 9am on the first day.
Please follow NHS advice if unsure whether your child should attend school and note the recommended guidelines.
Please also note our school policy for Attendance, Registration and Punctuality which can be found on our policy page.
We take advantage of living in London with all the opportunities this offers.
A risk assessment is carried out for each trip and parents must always complete a consent form.
Helping your Child
Families often ask how they can support learning at home. Here are a few ideas to help your child’s development at home.
Encourage a love of learning
Attend school regularly
Complete homework regularly and on time
Encourage independence e.g. tidying up, dressing and undressing, collecting their own resources
Visit your local library
Encourage them to hold a pencil correctly when drawing or colouring and to write in line with the school handwriting policy
Read and discuss stories and books on a daily basis. Please remember to comment on development using their home-school reading
Continually develop their literacy and numeracy skills whilst helping with the house jobs e.g. setting the table – how many spoons, talk
about what you can see e.g. on the bus, walking to school – what number is on the bus, noticing colours and shapes, use our weekly
Talk Topic as a basis for conversation and discussion.
London Welsh
‘A fynn, a fedr’
Ysgol Gymraeg Llundain © 2025 Website designed and maintained by H G Web Designs
London Welsh School
Hanwell Community Centre
Westcott Crescent
W7 1PD
Headteacher: Ms Julie K Watkins
B.A.Hons, P.G.C.E., M. Ed Cantab
Part of the Welsh Schools Trust Limited Charity Number: