Addysg ddwyieithog mewn dosbarthiadau llai‘A fynn, a fedr’Sef. 1958
Cyfeiriad / AddressYsgol Gymraeg Llundain / London Welsh SchoolCanolfan Gymunedol Hanwell / Hanwell Community CentreWestcott CrescentHanwellLlundain / LondonW7 1PD
Gwybodaeth / InformationAthrawes Arweiniol / Lead Teacher: Miss Emilia DaviesBA Anrhydedd, TAR / BA Hons, PGCERhan o'r elusen / Part of the charity: The Welsh Schools Trust Ltd: 1167479
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Addysg ddwyieithog mewn dosbarthiadau llai‘A fynn, a fedr’Sef. 1958
Cyfeiriad / AddressYsgol Gymraeg Llundain / London Welsh SchoolCanolfan Gymunedol Hanwell / Hanwell Community CentreWestcott CrescentHanwellLlundain / LondonW7 1PD
Addysg ddwyieithog mewn dosbarthiadau llai‘A fynn, a fedr’Sef. 1958
Dewiswch eich iaith -
Choose your language
Gwybodaeth / InformationAthrawes Arweiniol / Lead Teacher: Miss Emilia DaviesBA Anrhydedd, TAR / BA Hons, PGCERhan o'r elusen / Part of the charity: The Welsh Schools Trust Ltd: 1167479
Welcome to the
London Welsh
School’s website
Bilingual education in smaller classes‘Whoever persists, achieves.’Est. 1958